National Acclaim Photographic Bar Awarded For 2nd Year


Local photographer achieves national acclaim!

Local photographer Karl Redshaw has achieved the criteria of the 'Photographers Bar' for the second year in succession.

Membership of the 'Photographers Bar' is a unique distinction awarded to those photographers who have successfully had images assessed by the Guild of Photographers over the course of a year and have attained a score that evidences an exceptional level of professional skill and consistency throughout a full year.

The Guild of Photographers is a highly respected association for all photographers and its competition attracts up to 10,000 images for judging by an expert Panel of Judges each month. Points are given to entries and these are then totalled at the end of the year. Those who reach the required threshold are then awarded membership of the 'Photographers Bar'.

That membership of the 'Photographers Bar' is a distinction that is very difficult to achieve - in fact less than 100 photographers have achieved it in the 3 years since its inception, during which time over 30,000 images will have been entered for assessment by photographers across the UK and from overseas.

Guild Director Lesley Thirsk said "I am delighted for Karl as this is a great achievement! Submitting and having images assessed every month for a year and reaching the required standards to become a member of the Photographers Bar is very very demanding. It illustrates his commitment, skill and consistency. He should be very proud of what he has achieved!" To do this for two consecutive years is a remarkable achievement and a true sign of his talents.

On hearing the news Karl said “ To achieve the bar for the second year is great news, it is very demanding, and to be creative over such a long period of time is tuff”

You can find out more about this award and the Guild of Photographers at their website ( and more about Karl at his website

If you have any further questions please either contact Lesley at the Guild ( or Karl at