Selection of Cornish Seascapes
Read MorePleased to receive 2 bronze and a high bronze for February’s IOM
Pleased to receive 2 Highly Commended from the Society of Photographers For Feb 2020
happy to be awarded a highly commended from the Society of Photographers
Great Day Photographing ten very beautiful wolves, my favourite image from the day.
Alternative Business & Corporate Head Shots
Read MoreHappy to receive 3 bronze awards from the Guild.
Little bit amazed to say the least, I have just been awarded the "Urban Photographer Of The Year 2016", from the Guild Of Professional Photographers, I also placed within the top 20 photographers of 2016, exact placement is not yet confirmed. Along with The Photographers Bar for the 3rd year running, it is a unique distinction awarded to those photographers who have successfully had images assessed by The Guild over the course of a year and attained a score evidencing an exceptional level of professional skill and consistency!
Feeling very proud of myself for the first time in a long time.
Local Photographer Karl Redshaw achieves national acclaim!
Karl, a photographer based in Nuneaton has reached the Final of the fiercely contested Guild of Photographers Image of the Year Competition.
The Guild is a highly respected UK based association for photographers, which has members from overseas as well. Each year it runs an on-line monthly photographic competition with awards being given each month to the very best of the entries.
During the course of 2016, the competition attracted nearly 10,000 entries in 4 categories, and this week the Guild’s Judges have selected just 10 images in the various genres from the very best of the monthly entries, to go forward to the annual Final. Karl‘s has not 1 but 3 images selected of the ten finalists for the Urban category and 1 image in the final for the Pet Photography catagory!
Guild Director Lesley Thirsk said “One of the Guild’s aims is to drive standards and creativity amongst photographers. Our monthly competition certainly does that, for the standard of the entries we see each month is quite staggering. To have an image recognised by the Guild in the monthly competition is difficult enough, so to have an image selected as being one of the best 10 in a category for the end of year Final is a quite remarkable achievement, but to have 4 shows just how talented a photographer Karl is”
Karl said “ I love photography and put a lot of effort into developing my skills. One way I do that is to enter the Guild’s competition. It drives forward photography standards month after month so it helps me push myself. The images I see getting awards each month are inspirational, so knowing just how high those standards are, to have one of my images selected, of only 10 to go through to the Final from the whole year’s entries is really really exciting. I couldn’t believe it when I found out.”
Karl’s image along with the others will now be printed ready for the Competition Final later in January, and the overall winner will be announced at a lavish Awards night in a magnificent Jacobean mansion in Cheshire on 4th February.
To find out more about the Guild of Photographers visit their website (www.photoguild.co.uk). To find out more about Karl visit their website www.karlredshaw.com.
The results for the last round of the IOM for The guild Of Photographers is two Bronze and one silver. #guildofphotographers #urban #architecture #photography #awards
last months awarded image from the Guild, happy with 2 Silver and a Bronze #award #kingfisher #superbike #tibetanterrier #dog #photgrapher
Remember folks bespoke training days available so you can learn to shoot and process to produce images like these. Get in touch for details.
A 12 mile route in the pouring rain and cold!! But worth the effort
Great day with a good friend at bradgate park, Here is a couple of images with a little help from photoshop.